Save the date! ECP4 Annual Conference, 15 May 2024 hosted by ICT Fraunhofer, Pfinztal, Germany

ECP4, the European Composites, Plastics, and Polymer Processing Platform is glad to announce the date of its next Annual Conference, scheduled to take place on May 15, 2024. The event will be hosted by the Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT), a proud member of the association’s board of directors.

ECP4 is a dynamic association that brings together top-tier European research institutions, regional plastic clusters, and EU-level industrial organizationsoperating in the field of plastics and composites. Through fostering collaboration and networking among these key players, ECP4 actively identifies opportunities for joint Research and Development endeavours that lead to groundbreaking industrial innovations. Its primary mission is to enhance the competitiveness of the plastics and composites sectors in Europe on the global stage.

The Annual Conference is a pivotal annual event that highlights the latest developments, innovations, and research achievements in the fields of plastics and composites and serves as a vital platform for professionals, researchers, and industry leaders to exchange ideas, share insights, and explore potential collaborations that can drive the industry forward.


Event Details:

Date: May 15, 2024

Location: Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany


Key Highlights:


  • Cutting-edge Presentations: The conference will feature presentations from leading experts, showcasing the latest research findings and innovations in the field of composites and plastics.
  • Networking Opportunities: Attendees will have the chance to connect with industry leaders, researchers, and professionals from across Europe, fostering valuable connections and potential collaborations.
  • Industry Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the plastics and composites sectors and how they foster circularity on a global scale.
  • Research Collaboration: Discover opportunities for collaborative Research and Development efforts that can drive industrial innovation and competitiveness.