Alimex ACP plates, blocks and components are shaping the future worldwide. Get involved with us?

As a modern, cosmopolitan and globally positioned family business, alimex sees itself as a “sparring partner” for the best aluminum solutions. From robust components to high-precision high-tech elements, as an aluminum supplier we provide our customers with decisive competitive advantages.

Our customers include global market leaders in the electronics, laser, packaging and optical industries, in medical and laboratory technology, and in the production of screens, semiconductors and solar systems. In doing so, we rely on relationships based on partnership. Our strategic focus on long-term joint success gives us deep insights into our customers’ supply chains and value chains. This opens up opportunities for us to make significant contributions to value enhancement. For example, the highest-quality aluminum starting material is already used in the high-precision production of particularly demanding CNC components. Depending on requirements, various alloys, microstructures and surfaces are available and provide decisive competitive advantages.

The sustainable use of resources is our success of tomorrow. As a member of an independent sustainability initiative, together with our international business partners we are committed to the responsible use of precisely these resources within the aluminum value chain. For us, in addition to assuming ecological and social responsibility, this means above all sustainability and integrity in management as well as a high degree of transparency.

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